Entrevista a Rosanna Itzel Howes Maupomé. Viva Voz 2019

Colegio Suizo de México | Sep 13, 2019

Cada año, los alumnos de último grado del Bachillerato Internacional (IB) eligen un tema y hacen una investigación, la cual redactan en forma de monografía y defienden delante de los profesores el día de Viva Voz. Esta actividad se lleva a cabo entre el 24 y el 31 de enero. Los alumnos de los tres campus presentan sus monografías, un trabajo de investigación individual de un año sobre el tema que eligen.

¿Qué es la Monografía?

La Monografía es uno de los componentes troncales del Programa del Diploma (PD) del Bachillerato Internacional® (IB). 
Consta de un trabajo de investigación independiente y dirigido por el propio alumno, que culmina con un ensayo de 4.000 palabras. Este proyecto puede ser elaborado en diferentes idiomas como el inglés, alemán o español, con el fin de desarrollar las habilidades plurilingüistas de nuestros alumnos.

La participación en este proceso desarrolla la capacidad de analizar, sintetizar y evaluar los conocimientos.

Mediante el proceso de investigación para la monografía, los alumnos desarrollan habilidades para:

  • Formular una pregunta de investigación apropiada.
  • Llevar a cabo una exploración personal del tema.
  • Comunicar ideas.
  • Desarrollar un argumento.

Nuestra alumna, Rosanna Itzel Howes Maupomé, nos compartió su experiencia durante Viva Voz 2019, para la cual presentó completamente en inglés su monografía sobre el tema: “La exploración de las intenciones de Mark Rothko y Ellsworth Kelly a través de sus elementos estéticos” para la matería de Artes.

Why did you choose this topic?

I wanted to learn and show the importance of art, and how art is made, viewed and felt.

When I was looking for a topic to do with Modern art, I first thought to compare Minimalism and some type of maximalism. Abstract Expressionism came to mind, Rothko was the one who stood out the most to me. I knew I could easily get a book about him, and find a lot of information about his work, which would help me out greatly.

I chose to compare him to Kelly, as he is said to be a Minimalist, yet there is a controversy on whether he belongs to this movement. Either way, I chose to compare those two artists because of their similarities and differences.

Last summer, I had the privilege to go to Paris and London where I found pieces of both artists everywhere, I went. It helped me to make the decision of which pieces of both artists I wanted to compare.

ven though the qualities of my extended essay are based upon artistic theory, I think art should be accessible. One shouldn’t have to know anything about art to understand it and to perceive it, therefore analysing the intentions of both artists were critical for their interpretations.

What did you discover during your investigation?

I have learned that intentions can be perceived the way the artist wanted them to be or how the viewer sees them.

I discovered that one can analyse art through formal qualities, elements and principle of art, as I didn’t know what they were before the extended essay process. Just as how one normally analyses biology with a methodology, this is one of the methodologies of art.

The intentions were an extra added thing for me. I couldn’t talk about their art formally and objectively without knowing about their intentions.

Which were the lessons learned after this experience for you?

I learned how to analyse art. In art class, we get taught about different techniques and how to create art, yet not how to analyse it.

I learned how to find good resources, visual resources, which is very different from the written resources.

I think that when you analyse art, you must base your research on a visual as primary source, and actually go see it, because it’s not the same to see it on the internet or in a book, rather than in real life. I found some information in the books that I read that I wouldn’t have been able to understand or use without seeing the actual piece.

Unfortunately, in our society art is normally left out. It’s a field that almost doesn’t count in many schools. Therefore, I learnt about a way to show the importance of art in the education and in life because, according to myself, art and creativity are crucial to critical thinking, and critical thinking is necessary.

El trabajo de investigación de nuestra alumna Rosanna, es una muestra de las habilidades plurilingües e incluso multiculturales que los alumnos desarrollan durante su camino escolar dentro del Colegio Suizo de México. Para conocer ésta y otras ventajas de que su hijo forme parte de un modelo educativo multicultural, descargue GRATIS el siguiente e-Book.
